Linus: Lucy’s brother, Linus always carries a blanket as his security and comfort. He is usually mild, but can become quite vocal and aggressive if someone takes his blanket.
Charlie Brown: Five years old, Charlie Brown has very little self confidence and does not succeed at anything, even though he keeps trying. He is a kind and generous person.
Patty: With her “naturally curly hair,” Patty is completely centered in herself and how she appears to others.
Schroeder: A virtuoso piano player with a child’s mind and body, Schroeder is a disciple of Beethoven. Although Lucy is infatuated with him, he sees her mainly as a nuisance.
Snoopy: Although he is Charlie Brown’s dog, Snoopy many times has more wisdom and human qualities than the people around him.
Lucy: Linus’s big sister, Lucy is a tough girl and always wants her way. She is infatuated with Schroeder.