Youth Casting Call for Macbeth
The Utah Shakespeare Festival is seeking young actors based in Southern Utah for its upcoming summer production of Macbeth. Auditions will be held Saturday, March 22, 2025, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Festival in the Frehner Rehearsal Hall. Please sign up for an audition slot HERE. Each child who is cast will be paid a stipend of $600 for the season.
Rehearsals and performances will be scheduled from May 5 to September 4. All actors must be available for all scheduled rehearsals and performances. Please note that this will not mean every day, but will include some Saturday rehearsals. Once the play opens, Macbeth plays two times a week (Monday and Thursday), June 19 to September 4 at 8 p.m. in the outdoor Engelstad Shakespeare Theatre.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Directed by John DiAntonio
The Macduff children appear in one significant scene in the second act of the play.
Role: Macduff’s Son
Age: 10-15
- This role requires acting ability, including learning lines and staging.
- We encourage children of any gender and ethnicity to audition for the role.
- For the audition, please prepare this page from the play, Act 4, Scene 2. Young
performers will be asked to read this scene with someone from our casting department.
The lines don’t need to be memorized for the audition, but being familiar with the lines and meaning is preferred. They may also be asked to tell us a favorite story.
Role: Macduff’s 2nd Child
Age: 7-10 (can be older, but should look young)
- This role does not have any scripted lines, but the actor should be able to follow
direction and remember staging. - We encourage children of any gender and ethnicity to audition for the role.
- For the audition, young performers may be asked to tell us a favorite story, and may be asked to act out some stage business with someone from our casting department.
A note to parents: This Shakespeare play is a tragedy and includes themes of fear, corruption, violence, and greed. The full script can be found here. Macduff’s family, his wife, and all their children are murdered in the play (Act 4, Scene 2). We are still in discussion of how much stage violence will take place on or off the stage. If your child is interested in being a part of the stage combat, please let us know during the audition.
For questions, please email