Students Receive Honors at 39th Annual Shakespeare Competition

Cedar City, UT – This weekend the 39th annual Shakespeare Competition, hosted by the Utah Shakespeare Festival and Southern Utah University, gave out dozens of awards and scholarships to drama, dance and music students. The competition is the largest scholastic Shakespeare competition in the country, and this was a record-breaking year with over 3,200 students from 110 schools in six states.
From October 1 through 3 students competed before numerous adjudicators on the Festival’s stages and at several other venues on the SUU campus. Judges consisted of arts professionals with strong literary and performance backgrounds. The judges came to Cedar City from across the country, including New York and Los Angeles, and not only judged the competition, but provided critiques of performances and gave feedback to the young artists. Judges also offered numerous workshops on topics such as stage combat, improvisation, movement, modern dance techniques, and choral performance.
“There really is nothing like the Shakespeare Competition,” said Michael Bahr, education director for the Festival. “For thirty-nine years the competition has provided young people an outlet to share their passion and excitement for the arts, while also cultivating the future generation of arts professionals.”
Providing wonderful opportunities, the competition recognizes and educates students in four areas: acting, dance/choreography, music, and technical theatre. At the conclusion of the competition selected students received trophies and scholarships to study with professionals at Southern Utah University and the Utah Shakespeare Festival.
As part of the total experience, students were able to attend the Festival’s fall productions of Dracula, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and Charley’s Aunt, as well as an SUU production of Hamlet.
The competition was divided into six divisions: Buckingham (for schools with enrollment of 2,001 or more), Oxford (enrollment of 1,701 to 2,000), Cambridge (enrollment of 801 to 1,700), Westminster (enrollment of 800 or fewer), Stratford (junior high and middle schools of any size) and Essex (schools or groups which are not members of state high school associations).
Acting Competition
For the acting portion of the competition, students were able to compete in monlogues, duo/trio scenes, and ensembles. Monologue competitors presented for the judges a two- to four-minute monologue from a Shakespeare play or sonnet. In the duo/trio scenes competition, two or three actors presented a three- to five-minute scene from a Shakespeare play or sonnet. In the ensemble competition, a group of students from a school presented a six- to ten-minute Shakespearean scene.
In addition, first, second, and third place overall sweepstake prizes were awarded to the school in each division with the most total points from all categories.
Also, several scholarships were presented in the acting competition:
The first place winners in the duo/trio scene and monologue categories are awarded scholarships to either Southern Utah University or the Utah Shakespeare Festival summer classes, depending on the grade of the student:
Ray Jones Award: Given to seniors, this award is a $1000 scholarship to Southern Utah University.
Barbara Barrett Award: Given to juniors and under, this award is a $500 scholarship tothe Festival’s summer acting intensive Actor Training, or a tuition scholarship to Shakespeare for Junior Actors.
Larry Lott Acting Award: In conjunction with the ensemble competition, judges annually recognize the best actor in an ensemble scene in each division. The recipient of this award received a trophy for his or her accomplishments and, if a senior, a $1,000 scholarship to SUU.
Acting Winners
Sweepstakes First Place: Lone Peak High School; Highland, Utah
**Sweepstakes Second Place (tie):**American Fork High School; American Fork, Utah; and Pleasant Grove High School; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Ensemble First Place (tie): Hillcrest High School; Midvale, Utah; and Lone Peak High School; Highland, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Pleasant Grove High School; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Ray Jones/Barbara Barrett Award and Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Mikah Olsen and Faith Johnson; Hillcrest High School; Midvale, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: TJ Holdman and Rilee Crump; Lone Peak High School; Highland, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Riley Smith and Skye Karlinsky; American Fork High School; American Fork, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Monologue First Place: Miriam Edwards; Lone Peak High School; Highland, Utah
Monologue Second Place: Yana Anderson; Orem High School; Orem, Utah
Monologue Third Place: Nicole Peterson; Pleasant Grove High School; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Larry Lott Acting Award: Nic Thomas; Lone Peak High School; Alpine, Utah
Sweepstakes First Place: Corner Canyon High School; Draper, Utah
Sweepstakes Second Place (tie): Provo High School; Provo, Utah; and Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Provo High School; Provo, Utah
**Ensemble Second Place:**Corner Canyon High School; Draper, Utah
**Ensemble Third Place:**Highland High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Ray Jones/Barbara Barrett Award and Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Kylan Goodwin and Bryce Jack; Alta High School; Sandy, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Liam Isaak, Isaac Chock, and Chante Bronson; Provo High School; Provo, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Jesica Shelton and William Jenkinson; Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Monologue First Place: Abby Maxwell; Corner Canyon High School; Draper, Utah
Monologue Second Place: Harrison Lind; Highland High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Monologue Third Place: Isabela Giordano; Highland High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Larry Lott Acting Award: Isabela Giordano; Highland High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Sweepstakes First Place: Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Sweepstakes Second Place: Box Elder High School; Box Elder, Utah
Sweepstakes Third Place (tie): Cedar High School; Cedar City, Utah; and Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork; Utah
Ensemble First Place: Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Cedar High School; Cedar City, Utah
Ray Jones/Barbara Barrett Award and Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Micki Marteniz, Hanna Romney, and Wiley Adams; Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Duo/Trio Second Place: Nathan Reeder, Hannah Wood, Katelynn Perkins; Box Elder High School; Box Elder, Utah
Duo/Trio Third Place: Alden Croft, Lauren Prince, Christian Earl; Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Ray Jones/Barbara Barrett Award and Monologue First Place: Abagail Mower; Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Monologue Second Place: Tracy Gubler; Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Monologue Third Place: Kaitlyn Thacker; Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Larry Lott Acting Award: Tani Lee; Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Sweepstakes First Place: American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Sweepstakes Second Place: Liahona Senior Preparatory Academy; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Sweepstakes Third Place: DaVinci Senior Preparatory Academy; Ogden, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Liahona Senior Preparatory Academy; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: American International School of Utah; Murray, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Rockwell Charter High School; Eagle Mountain, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Thomas Petrucka and Courtney Heirtzler; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
D****uo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Lincoln Stone, Zachary Hanks, and Bowen Davis; Liahona Senior Preparatory Academy; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Ilizabith Summerhalder, Joshua Takuafu, and Katia Dengin; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Monologue First Place: Susannah Castleton; Liahona Senior Preparatory Academy; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Monologue Second Place: Hannah Ford; Pioneer High School for the Performing Arts; American Fork, Utah
Monologue Third Place: Tevica Schneider; DaVinci Senior Preparatory Academy; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Larry Lott Acting Award: Jimmy Henderson; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Sweepstakes First Place: Liahona Junior Preparatory Academy; Lehi, Utah
Sweepstakes Second Place: DaVinci Junior Preparatory Academy; Ogden, Utah
Sweepstakes Third Place: Hurricane Middle School; Hurricane, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Liahona Junior Preparatory Academy; Lehi, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Willowcreek Middle School; Lehi, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Hurricane Middle School; Hurricane, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Jacob Robinson, Sydney Van Vilet, and Jessica Lewis; DaVinci Junior Preparatory Academy; Ogden, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Joelle Ray, Lexi Charistensen, and Nathan Cannon; Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy; Lindon, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Christopher Harper and Seth DeWolff; Hurricane Middle School; Hurricane, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Monologue First Place: Anthony Madsen; Liahona Junior Preparatory Academy; Lehi, Utah
Monologue Second Place: Avery Rindlisbacher; Liahona Junior Preparatory Academy; Lehi, Utah
Monologue Third Place: Darci Ramirez; American Fork Junior High School; American Fork, Utah
Larry Lott Acting Award: Allie Killpack; Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy; Lindon, Utah
Sweepstakes First Place: First Stage Theatre Academy; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sweepstakes Second Place: Utah Center for the Performing Arts; American Fork, Utah
Sweepstakes Third Place: Logan Youth Shakespeare; Logan, Utah
Ensemble First Place: First Stage Theatre Academy; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ensemble Second Place: Youth Theatre–University of Utah; Salt Lake City, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Utah Center of Performing Arts; American Fork, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Taylor Kass and Henry Lynch; First Stage Theatre Academy; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Jarren Worthen and Daniel Anderson; Logan Youth Shakespeare; Logan, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Danielle Kinner, Joshua Kinner, Millie Warren, Victoria Hunter, Katrina Young, and Mason Miller; Jean Massieu School of the Deaf; Salt Lake City, Utah
Ray Jones/ Barbara Barrett Award and Monologue First Place: Alison Pogorelc; First Stage Theatre Academy; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Monologue Second Place: Laura Randall; Utah Center for the Performing Arts; American Fork, Utah
Monologue Third Place: Elisabeth Spencer; Logan Youth Shakespeare; Logan, Utah
Larry Lott Acting Award: Alison Pogorelc; First Stage Theatre Academy; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Dance/Choreography Competition
For the dance portion, students were able to compete in duo/trio or ensemble groups. In the duo/trio competition, two or three dancers presented a three- to six-minute interpretation of a Shakespeare play or sonnet. In the ensemble competition, a group of dancers from a school interpreted a three- to four-minute Shakespeare play or sonnet.
Dance/Choreography Winners
The Dance Scholarships to Southern Utah University were awarded to Huy Q. Tran, Hunter High School, West Valley City, Utah; Morgan Hales, Riverton High School, Riverton, Utah; Samantha Simonich, Riverton High School, Riverton, Utah; Caitlyn Greer, Timpanogos High School, Orem, Utah; and Marco Vaccaro, Pine View High School, St. George, Utah.
Ensemble First Place: Westlake High School; Saratoga Springs, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Tuacahn High School for the Performing Arts; Ivins, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Pleasant Grove High School; Pleasant Grove, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Michael Spens and Casee Salazar; Westlake High School; Saratoga Springs, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Katie Ann Powell, Alex Palmer, and Nick Fife; Hillcrest High School; Midvale, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Andy Truong, Huy Q. Tran, and Monica Hunt; Hunter High School; West Valley City, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Provo High School; Provo, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Corner Canyon High School; Draper, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Taylor Liljenquist, Makenzie Henry, and Monet Frank; Corner Canyon High School; Draper, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Autumn Kallunki, Shaunie Jakeman, and Magaly DeAvila; Provo High School; Provo, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Lucy Gutierrez and Veronica Caballero; Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Pine View High School; St. George, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Box Elder High School; Box Elder, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Salt Lake School for the Peforming Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Duo/Trio First Place: Marco Perez-Vaccaro and Sarah Hancock; Pine View High School; St. George, Utah
Duo/Trio Second Place: Coltin Snyder, Katherin Dennis, and Emma Hansen; Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Duo/Trio Third Place: Brandon Stone, Talise Mosley, and Shawn Barnhurst; Canyon View High School; Cedar City, Utah
Ensemble First Place: American International School of Utah; Murray, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Pioneer High School for the Performing Arts; American Fork, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Western Christian High School; Upland, California
Duo/Trio First Place: KJ Mills and Tag Brockbank; Pioneer High School for the Performing Arts; American Fork, Utah
Duo/Trio Second Place: Brooklynne Ratliff and Sam Bixby; Western Christian High School; Upland, California
Duo/Trio Third Place: Abbie Simpson and Bianca Cherenfant; American International School of Utah; Murray, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Desert Hills Middle School; St. George, Utah
Ensemble Second Place: Timberline Middle School; Alpine, Utah
Ensemble Third Place: Vista Heights Middle School; Saratoga Springs, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes First Place: Jacob Robinson, Sydney Van Vilet, and Jessica Lewis; DaVinci Junior Preparatory Academy; Ogden, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Second Place: Joelle Ray, Lexi Charistensen, and Nathan Cannon; Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy; Lindon, Utah
Duo/Trio Scenes Third Place: Christopher Harper and Seth DeWolff; Hurricane Middle School; Hurricane, Utah
Ensemble First Place: Youth Theatre–University of Utah; Salt Lake City, Utah
Music Competition
The music competition encouraged students to explore and develop a relationship with the music of the Renaissance (music prior to 1650). Students were encouraged to utilize creative combinations of instruments, however no instrumentation was required. For the music competition, students were able to compete in Madrigals and Minstrels. Madrigals (a minimum of five people) presented six- to ten-minutes of Renaissance music. Minstrels (one to four people) presented three- to seven-minutes of Renaissance music.
Music Winners
First Place: American International School of Utah; Murray, Utah
First Place: Skyline High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Technical Theatre Competition
The final competition was in the technical theatre area for students who work behind the scenes creating sound, lighting, props, scenery, and costumes. In the portfolio area, students were given the chance to have their technical and/or design portfolios evaluated by professionals in technical theatre. The best portfolio per division was honored, and the best overall portfolio was awarded a $1,000 scholarship to SUU. In addition, technical theatre students were able to compete in Tech Olympics, with a $50 gift certificate from General Theatrical Supply awarded to overall team winners in each division, based on timing, execution, and accuracy.
Tech Olympics Winners
Rigging First Place: Jordan Dube; Shadow Ridge High School; Las Vegas, Nevada
Props First Place: Hannah Warden; Riverton High School; Riverton, Utah
Lighting First Place: Hunter Nance; Clearfield High School; Clearfield, Utah
Audio First Place: Nick Henderson; Skyline High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Costumes First Place: Lindsey Powell; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Set Construction First Place: Shay Draney; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Stage Management First Place: Staci Allen; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Hair and Makeup First Place: Briana Lefler; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Rigging First Place: Jordan Dube; Shadow Ridge High School, Las Vegas, Nevada
Props First Place: Hannah Warden; Riverton High School; Riverton, Utah
Lighting First Place: Daryll McKane; Riverton High School; Riverton, Utah
Audio First Place: Jonathan Hodson; Pleasant Grove High School; Pleasant Grove High School
Costumes First Place: Lindsey Powell; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Set Construction First Place: Shay Draney; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Stage Management First Place: Staci Allen; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Hair and Makeup First Place: Briana Lefler; Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
Rigging First Place: Willian Jenkinson; Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Props First Place: William Jenkinson; Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Lighting First Place: Hunter Nance; Clearfield High School; Clearfield, Utah
Audio First Place: Hunter Nance; Clearfield High School; Clearfield, Utah
Costumes First Place: Maile Fischer; Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Set Construction First Place: Hunter Nance; Clearfield High School; Clearfield, Utah
Stage Management First Place: Jesus Alonso; Provo High School; Provo, Utah
Hair and Makeup First Place: Maile Fischer; Timpanogos High School; Orem, Utah
Rigging First Place: Rhys Kaiser; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Props First Place: Weston Martinez; Western Christian High School; Upton, California
Lighting First Place: Nikko Guardado; White Pine High School; Ely, Nevada
Audio First Place: Rhys Kaiser; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Costumes First Place: Ilizibith Summerhalder; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Set Construction First Place: Caleb Chapman; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Stage Management First Place: Taylor Knight; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Hair and Makeup First Place: Sabrina Hudson; American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
Rigging First Place: Elijah Cameron; Cedar High School; Cedar City, Utah
Props First Place: Madison Walker; Hurricane High School; Hurricane, Utah
Lighting First Place: Benjamin Conn; Salt Lake School for the Performing Arts; Salt Lake City, Utah
Audio First Place: Nick Henderson; Skyline High School; Salt Lake City, Utah
Costumes First Place: Bryce Barnhill; Cedar High School; Cedar City, Utah
Set Construction First Place: Sterling Raveling; Saguaro High School; Scottsdale, Arizona
Stage Management First Place: Emily McDonald; Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Hair and Makeup First Place: Aubrie McConnell; Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Rigging First Place: Sarah Estes; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Props First Place: Kenzi Murray; Salem Junior High School;Salem, Utah
Lighting First Place: Ethan Moser; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Audio First Place: Dallin Concoby; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Costumes First Place: Rachel Concoby; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Set Construction First Place: Wyatt Wilcock; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Stage Management First Place: Macy Nielson; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Hair and Makeup First Place: Ariel Hall; Salem Junior High School; Salem, Utah
Portfolio Winners
**Overall Winner:**Katelyn Isaacson; Venture High School; Marriott-Slaterville, Utah
**Buckingham Division First Place:**Alexandria Pearrow; American Fork High School; American Fork, Utah
Oxford Division First Place: Drew Kindig; Corner Canyon High School; Draper, Utah
Westminster Division First Place: Katelyn Isaacson; Venture High School; Marriott-Slaterville, Utah
Cambridge Division First Place: Emily McDonald; Spanish Fork High School; Spanish Fork, Utah
Overall Winners
The Golden Screw Gun First Place Award: American Leadership Academy; Spanish Fork, Utah
The Silver Spotlight Second Place Award: Granger High School; West Valley City, Utah
The Bronze Boot Third Place Award: Riverton High School; Riverton, Utah