Enjoy a Festival Christmas at the Homestead

Are you looking for a fun, family friendly, affordable way to celebrate the Christmas season? How about Christmas at the Homestead and Holiday Market—at the Frontier Homestead State Park Museum! The Utah Shakespeare Festival and the popular state park are once again partnering to provide a Christmas celebration for area residents and visitors.
Christmas at the Homestead will be Monday through Friday, December 4 to 8 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the park. Admission is $5 per family. The Holiday Market will add to the celebration on Friday, December 8 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, December 9 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission to the market on Friday is included in the Christmas at the Homestead admission price. On Saturday, the cost is only $1 per person.
“Christmas at the Homestead gives us a chance to celebrate our rich heritage, give something back to the community, and offer an exceptional shopping experience during the Holiday Market,” said Park Manager Todd Prince.
The celebration will feature lighting design by Festival Properties Director Benjamin Hohman—as well as Santa; various specialty Christmas trees; and free hot chocolate, popcorn, and baked treats. In addition, different entertainment will be featured at 6 and 7 p.m., and hands-on crafts will be available from 5:30 to 8 each evening. The schedule is as follows—
Monday, December 4: Marty Warburton and the Homegirls;Christmas cord and fingerprint Christmas lights
Tuesday, December 5: Brass Duet;Santa hat ornaments and rag dolls
Wednesday, December 6: Suzuki Strings; clothes pin snowmen and paper Christmas lights
Thursday, December 7: Washburn Family Band; popsicle stick snowflakes and paper snow globes
Friday, December 8: Bell Choir**;** candle dipping and printing press Christmas cards
Please note: This schedule is subject to change. Visit frontierhomestead.org/christmas-at-the-homestead/ for the latest information.
To cap it all off, the Holiday Market on December 8 and 9 will offer visitors an opportunity to recapture the sights, sounds, and ambiance of a pioneer Christmas market, providing a truly unique holiday shopping experience. Visitors can browse the work of over thirty artists and craftsmen then purchase the perfect handcrafted gifts, including exquisite photos and glasswork, historical reproductions, whimsical jewelry, and handmade candles.
Adding to the ambiance of the market on Saturday will be free hot chocolate, Santa, and live entertainment: Julie Griffin Family at 10:30 a.m., Red Rock Rangers at 11:30 a.m., Washburn Family Band at 12:30 p.m., Southern Utah String Quartet at 1:30, and Holiday Trio at 2:30 p.m.
Walking through the various museum structures throughout the week, visitors will get a feeling of yesteryear. Each building will be decorated with a themed tree and other decorations. Roving musicians will entertain holiday revelers as they walk among the various buildings.
“Nothing will get you in the holiday spirit quicker and more completely than spending an evening at Christmas at the Homestead,” said Joshua Stavros, Festival media and public relations manager. “It’s an enchanting experience with everything that makes Christmas special: music, friends and family, entertainment, and holiday goodies.”
“This is a great opportunity for individuals and families to benefit from an affordable and entertaining holiday experience,” added Park Manager Todd Prince. “Christmas at the Homestead gives us a chance to celebrate our rich heritage and give something back to the community.”
The park is located at 635 North Main Street in Cedar City. For the latest information and details, visit the museum website: www.frontierhomestead.org.