Company Spotlight: Miller Tai and Amanda Wiley

Miller Tai, Actor
Have you ever worked at the Festival before? If so, for how many years and in what roles/capacity?
Yes, in 2013: Anything Goes, Luke/Swing, Love’s Labour’s Lost, Forester
Where’s your home base?
Los Angeles
What’s your education/training background?
BFA in Acting from Oklahoma City University.
What brought you to your field and what keeps you doing your craft?
I stumbled into it in high school, and then worked as an apprentice at Music Theatre of Wichita. Then I realized how much fun it was. What keeps me doing it is the fact that I’m happiest when I’m performing, both when I’m onstage and off.
How will you spend your time off while here?
Enjoying the company of some of these amazing people that have been brought here from all walks of life. Also, getting to enjoy the beauty and wonder that is Utah. I get to take time to be a human and get the chance to read, go see a movie, or catch up on all the Netflix.
What does the Festival Experience mean to you?
I had one of the best summers back in 2013. Not only was I working, but I was also getting the chance to really live in the art of it all. It was exciting and thrilling, and I’m grateful for it.
Do you have a favorite memory of working in the Adams Theatre?
During Love’s Labour’s Lost, one of my duties was to hang lanterns from the balcony to the stage. I was partnered with Betsy Mugavero, and every time we did it, it was an interesting experience, usually one that ended up in a tangled mess.
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Besides getting to eat everything that I want with no regrets…probably teleportation. Or flight. Or super speed.
If you had a time machine, where would you like to visit?
The future. So I can find out if I get to keep my hair.
Amanda Wiley, Lead Assistant Company Manager
Have you ever worked at the Festival before?
Yes, this is my second year working with the festival.
Where’s your home base?
Fairmont, West Virginia
What’s your education/training background?
I have a BA in theatre from Fairmount State University as well as an MFA in Theatre Design and Technology from University of Missouri Kansas City.
What brought you to your field and what keeps you doing your craft?
I was told in high school that I should work as a stage manager because I was able to organize and keep things running smoothly. Standing backstage and watching the performance and hearing the reaction of the audience is what has kept me working on my craft. I have learned over the years that it is more enjoyable to see others happy and enjoy their craft. This has lead me to start working in Company Management.
How will you spend your time off while here?
What free time?
What does the Festival Experience mean to you?
The Festival Experience is working with the community of Cedar City to present Shakespeare to those who wouldn’t normally come and see a show. The Festival brings culture, while the city brings a family atmosphere. The city makes you feel welcomed and they want the Festival here because it brings people who have never been to this area.
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Psychokinesis. It would be extremely helpful to be able to move items without much effort in order to make other’s lives more efficient. How awesome would it be to be able to move vacuum a room while having to do the dishes. Would get so many tasks completed!
If you had a time machine, where would you like to visit?
The future. I would like to see how we evolve and what technologies we create to either improve or worsen life.