Join us for a Christmas celebration at the Frontier Homestead State Park

Are you looking for a fun, family friendly, affordable way to celebrate the Christmas season? The Utah Shakespeare Festival has partnered with the Frontier Homestead State Park to provide a weeklong Christmas of Yesteryear. There is something for everyone in our community – young, old, and in between.
During week of December 8, each evening from 5:30 pm to 8pm and all day Saturday will feature music from local musicians, Christmas story readings with Festival favorites, visits with Santa (every evening from 5:30 to 8), decorated trees, local artists, hands on activities and food and beverages.
We talked with Ryan Paul, Curator at the Frontier Homestead, to get some details. This year, instead of only one night for Christmas at the Frontier Homestead, we’ve partnered with the Festival to create an entire week of community centered celebration.
Each night will be different, and we’re encompassing all the arts: there will be music from local groups such as the Festival City Chamber Singers, Suzuki Strings, Miss Iron County and the USF Playmakers. Christmas readings will feature Festival powerhouses such as David Ivers, Brian Vaughn and Melinda Pfundstein. There will be music at 6pm and 7pm and readings at 6:30 and 7:30.
And then there are the visual arts with invited local artists demonstrating their craft. For example, Ron Flud will make leather holsters and bags and Susie Prince will demonstrate jewelry making.
Walking through the various museum structures, you’ll get a feeling of yesteryear. Each will be decorated with a themed tree. Ben Hohman, Props and Display Director for the Festival, is creating two trees: a paper tree and a tree made entirely of tumbleweeds that’s fourteen feet tall. The Livestock Festival is making one out of barbed wire.
Santa will be in the Hunter House each evening from 5:30 to 8. Each night, there will be different treats: popcorn and hot cider, scones and hot chocolate. Roving musicians will entertain you as you walk among the various buildings. There are also different hands-on activities each evening: print-making for Christmas cards, dipping candles.
And Saturday, from 11am – 8pm, the Festival’s Playmakers will provide Christmas carols all day. There will be ten featured artists, demonstrating their craft and helping your gift buying by selling their items.
Bottom line, this is a fun, affordable, community-centered Christmas celebration. We hope you’ll come more than once to sample all that we have to offer.
Have we whetted your appetite? Admission is $1.50 per person, only $5 per family. And you can get a pass for the entire week for only $20. We hope to see you there!
You can find a complete schedule of events at
For questions, you can call Ryan Paul, museum curator, at 435 586 9290.