How You Can Help the Props Department...

Do you wonder how we get all the furniture and props on stage? If you’ve ever attended a Props Seminar during your visit, you know that Ben Hohman, Props Director, and his team create magic. They have a 6,000 square foot warehouse with everything from furniture to lamps to a suit of armor.
For any given season, they will create the look and feel for each play with 50% from the warehouse, 25% purchased and 25% made from scratch. And they are always looking for new items. Your donations can help!
We recently chatted with Ben to learn more.
Ben: This summer, after a Props Seminar, Jim and Heather Molans approached me and asked if we took donations. I said “yes.” We emailed photos back and forth. They were remodeling their house and they realized they had too much “stuff.” The Molans loved their items and wanted to be sure there was a life beyond their house.
We warned them that their things on stage would probably look different. We might stain it or reupholster it. If an item is broken, we fix it, make it usable again. Bottom line, these are not museum pieces. And, we’ll use it til it falls apart. Then we’ll use all the parts; table legs become lamps, tables become pedestals. So the items definitely live on.
So the Molans rented a 16 foot U-Haul and brought us a fabulous collection of Victorian pieces, many of which will be used next season in Charley’s Aunt. Another example: An auction business in Las Vegas recently contacted our Development Department, saying “We auction off estates and some items are broken or some don’t sell. But we love the Festival and would be happy to donate those to you.” Our response: “Yes, we take broken pieces because we can fix them and repurpose them.” So this fall, we’ll be driving to Las Vegas with a trailer. And what we can’t use, we’ll donate to a local charity.
So how can our supporters help? What do you need?
Ben: Big picture, if you’re remodeling, downsizing, cleaning out an old house, or planning a trip to the dump, please consider the Festival first! We can use furniture, old books, records, lamps, decorative items, rugs, wooden ladders, telephones of any era, old computers, silk plants, paintings – just to name a few.
You can email me at, include photos and we’ll see what we can do. Our range for pick up is usually Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, but if it’s something we can use, we’ll find a way.
For next season specifically, we need World War II Army items i.e. tents, duffle bags, equipment for South Pacific and 1890s/1900s sports memorabilia i.e. pennants, paddles, for Charley’s Aunt. And if you just happen to have a 1700s pianoforte, we could use that for Amadeus!
Your donations are tax-deductible and every little bit helps. You can email me at, include photos and we’ll see what we can do. Our range for pick up is usually Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, but if it’s something we can use, we’ll find a way.
For next season specifically, we need World War II Army items i.e. tents, duffle bags, equipment for South Pacific and 1890s/1900s sports memorabilia i.e. pennants, paddles, for Charley’s Aunt. And if you just happen to have a 1700s pianoforte, we could use that for Amadeus!
Your donations are tax-deductible and every little bit helps.