Update on the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Center for the Arts

Dreams Do Come True
After years of planning, fundraising, and dreaming our new home is finally underway. A lot has changed since the end of August, and hopefully this will inspire everyone to dream big, because they can come true!
Fences came up on August 27, 2014. It started at the Randall Theatre and stretched all the way to our company housing, and permanently closed 200 West.
Once the fences were up, demolition began with 8 buildings crashing to the ground. It was bitter sweet to see our old homes being torn down.
Old Costume Crafts Shop
Fred Adams and Ashley Pollock in front of Administrative Building Demo
Startford Housing
Administration Building
More Administrative Building
Once all the buildings were down, it was time to remove all the debris and smooth everything out.
So what was once this:
Turned into this:
Outside the Randall looks a little different:
It is amazing to think that in two months buildings, parking lots and streets are now red dirt. Your support and donation dollars have made this possible.
As of Friday, November 7, Big D, our construction company, is installing conduct, electrical wiring, and pouring site walls.
The Engelstad Theater’s basement is taking shape as well:
The Festival is thrilled to see our new home coming together. We will keep our audiences, donors, and fans updated as we build this dream together!