Amanda Mills and Kelli Lennox- Guest Bloggers

Kelli Lennox
**Kelli Lennox ,**Stage Crew
Have you ever worked at the Festival before?
No I have not worked at the Festival, this is my first year!
What brought you to Utah Shakespeare Festival?
I was drawn to the Festival because of the amazing shows that are produced and the professional association with the company.
What brought you to your field and what keeps you doing your craft?
This is my first year as a stage hand but I love theatre because it inspires people and through theatre I hope to uplift and inspire those around me. Also being a stage hand, you get to create the magic backstage that inspires the audience, so I enjoy being part of the mystery.
Where’s your home base?
Gahanna, Ohio
What’s your education/training background?
I just graduated with a B.A. in Theatre from Ashland University.
What are you looking forward to the most this summer?
Working with people from all over the United States and hopefully making some lifelong friends and connections.
Who/What inspired you to pursue your dream of acting/designing?
I have always loved theatre, I would rather look back on my life knowing I at least tried going after my dreams, than looking back and regretting I didn’t try because of fear. My parents have taught me that I should do what I love and reach for my dreams.
How will you spend your time off while here?
Hanging out with friends and possibly making a couple trips to Las Vegas to see some of the shows there!
What is your favorite musical/play/Shakespeare play?
Musical- A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Play- Peter and the Starcatcher
Shakespeare play- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
Flying so I could go anywhere I wanted and see the world!
**Amanda Mills,**Ticket Office
Have you ever worked at the Festival before?
I have not! This is my first year. I have seen every show since 2011, though.
What brought you to Utah Shakespeare Festival?
The Festival has a great atmosphere. It’s friendly, it’s family oriented, and it’s high quality.
What brought you to your field and what keeps you doing your craft?
Working in the Ticket Office is fun because I get to be around a lot of people who love theater. I actually want to be a writer. I enjoy meeting people and getting to know their stories.
Where’s your home base?
Syracuse, Utah
What’s your education/training background?
I’m an English major (Creative Writing emphasis) at Southern Utah University.
How will you spend your time off while here?
I write murder mysteries, so there will certainly be some of that happening. Also, I will be working on my Honors thesis on the economics of magic in fantastic literature.
What is your favorite musical/play/Shakespeare play?
Musical: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Play: The Importance of Being Earnest
Shakespeare play: The Tempest
If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?
The ability to never need sleep. I would be so productive.