Christopher DuVal- Guest Blogger

Christopher DuVal is our fabulous fight choreographer this season. His work can be seen all throughout the Festival in Henry IV Part 1, Comedy of Errors and Twelfth Night.
Have you ever worked at the Festival before? If so, for how many years and in what roles/capacity?
This is my fifth season, three as an actor from ’96 - ’98 and two as a fight director (Hamlet in the Fall season of 2012 and this season’s summer company)
What brought you to Utah Shakespeare Festival?
I love working here. The company, the artistic and administrative support, the artistic vision, the nature of an ensemble and of rotating rep - it’s all a joy and a gift to be a part of the work here.
What brought you to your field and what keeps you doing your craft?
I love the process of working with directors and helping actors stay safe in the development of creating moments within choreographed violence.
Where’s your home base?
I recently moved to Salt Lake City where I teach at the University of Utah, from Idaho where I was teaching and serving as the Head of BFA and MFA Performance at the University of Idaho. Prior to Idaho, home base was as a company member at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
What’s your education/training background?
I received an MFA in Acting from the University of California Irvine. I’ve also undergone additional teacher training with the Society of American Fight Directors, Dueling Arts International, and Fitzmaurice Voicework. I also hold a 2nd degree black belt in Aikido which influences all of my work.
What are you looking forward to the most this summer?
Being a part of seeing and participating with all the artists and support staff bringing these productions beautifully and viscerally to life.
Who/What inspired you to pursue your dream?
Many people have influenced me and continue to do so. I’d have to say that being given the opportunity to assistant fight direct Randy Kovitz here in ‘94 and to be given an opportunity to have worked here during the late 90’s acting and assistant fight directing Robin McFarquhar has been one of the most influential influences of my career.
How will you spend your time off while here?
Hiking with my wife and daughter, as well as finishing a book I’m working on for Methuen Drama on stage combat as it relates to acting and voice work.
What is your dream project**?**
I’ve acted in several productions of The Three Musketeers and Cyrano de Bergerac and would love to fight direct them at some point.