Tom Littman as Petruchio in the Tour's production of The Taming of the Shrew

Tom Littman grew up in Colorado, attended University of Northern Colorado (degree in Theatre) and has spent the last four years in New York. He is making his Festival debut as Petruchio in our Tour production.
Have you played this role before? If so, where?
I have been a fan of this show and this character for a long time and have worked scenes from the show before, but this is my first opportunity to play Petruchio in a fully realized production.
Where else have you worked?
I have been fortunate enough to work in many different states doing what I love. I have worked in New York City with various companies, the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre, Cape Fear Regional Theatre in North Carolina. And I’m proud to make my Utah debut with USF.
Why do you think live theatre is important?
Live theatre is a great way to get a room full of rational adults to utilize their imaginations. Watching a story unfold before your eyes with real life human beings can be magical, and I believe we need that now more than ever.
Costume design Leinicke
How will you make your role and Shrew relevant for today’s students?
Shakespeare was ahead of his time in so many ways. He understood people and psychology pre Freud and Jung. Being able to bring these characters that were written hundreds of years ago to life and showcase their flaws gives students an opportunity to identify with them and feel a connection to their humanity that can be missed when you are only assigned to read them in a classroom. It gives their problems a context and a voice that can help answer some tough questions. We have all experienced these problems in varying degrees in our own lives and seeing it on stage can help us better understand them.
What else would you like readers to know about you?
Shakespeare and education for the public is my personal passion. So much so that I started a company of my own in New York called Tale Told Productions, which specializes in bringing classical theatre to the public for free. I hope to take what I learn at such a highly respected and established theatre like USF and apply it to my own group. Also I’m very fond of breakfast burritos and will graciously accept any I’m given while on the road.
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