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Theatre Stage Performance Spaces

What's On

The Winter's Tale

June 18 - September 6, 2024

Engelstad Shakespeare Theatre

RADA 2024 Production

July 30-August 3, 2024; 9:30 a.m.

Eileen and Allen Anes Studio Theatre

Henry VIII

June 17 - September 5, 2024

Engelstad Shakespeare Theatre

The Mountaintop

July 13 - October 5, 2024

Eileen and Allen Anes Studio Theatre

The 39 Steps

June 22 - October 5, 2024

Randall L. Jones Theatre

Silent Sky

July 12 - October 5, 2024

Eileen and Allen Anes Studio Theatre

Much Ado About Nothing

June 21 - October 5, 2024

Randall L. Jones Theatre

The Taming of the Shrew

June 19 - September 7, 2024

Engelstad Shakespeare Theatre

Theatre Stage Performance Spaces


Students will survey and identify the six performance theatre spaces.

  • Proscenium Stage
  • Thrust Stage
  • Arena Stage
  • Created or Found Space
  • All purpose or “Black Box”
  • Traverse




9th - 12th Grade Theatre Students


45 — 60 minutes



  1.  HOOKList as many theatre spaces you can think of in our area.
    i.e: Utah Shakespeare Festival

    1. Adams Theatre - Proscenium Theatre
    2. Englestad Theatre - Thrust Stage
    3. Anes Studio Theatre - Arena Theatre

    Once You listed the theatres can you identify the name/type of theatre space?

    • Proscenium Stage
    • Thrust Stage
    • Arena Stage
    • Created or Found Space
    • All purpose or “Black Box”
    • Traverse
  2. TRANSITIONInstruct students they are going to take notes on the six performance spaces in their journals or on paper to turn it at the conclusion of the lesson.

  3. INSTRUCTIONBegin Types of Theatre Performance Stages Presentation

      1. Proscenium Stage - Probably the best-known arrangement is the proscenium-arch or picture-frame stage. the frame or arch separating the stage from the auditorium, through which the action of a play is viewed.
      2. Thrust Stage - The stage is surrounded on three sides by the audience. Sometimes seating is a semicircle. Entrances and exits are made from the sides and backstage. Spectators surround the action
      3. Arena Stage - A playing space in the center of a square or circle, with seats for spectators all around it. The audience usually sits on four sides of the stage.
      4. Created or Found Space - Created or found space takes several forms: use of nontheatre buildings, adaptation of a given space to fit individual productions, use of outdoor settings, street theatre, multifocus environments, and all-purpose spaces.
      5. All purpose or “Black Box”  - The theatre space referred to as a black box is an open, adaptable space that can be configured into a variety of stage-audience arrangements, providing for maximum flexibility and economy.
      6. Traverse - The audience is on both sides of the acting area.
  4. ACTIVITYAfter presenting, play an activity game with the students.
    Call out the name of a stage space and have the students quickly form the stage space with their bodies within the classroom space. This should create a fun group interactive activity.

    1. Proscenium Stage
    2. Thrust Stage
    3. Arena Stage
    4. Created or Found Space
    5. All purpose or “Black Box”
    6. Traverse


Pass out or provide online the Types of Theatres assessment and have students label the stage spaces.


Video: Theatre Space: Theatre’s Four Spaces

© Utah Shakespeare Festival 2024 www.bard.org Cedar City, Utah