Kate in The Taming of the Shrew, Emilia in The Winter’s Tale; u/s Hermione in The Winter’s Tale, u/s Brandon/Patience/Margaret in Henry VIII
Other Theatres: The Christians, Tom Sawyer, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Christmas Carol, Dracula, and Othello (Denver Center Performing Arts); The Importance of Being Earnest, Around the World in 80 Days, Is He Dead, and Good on Paper (Arvada Center); Wild Honey, The Game of Love and Chance, Girl of the Golden West, and The Liar (Theatreworks); Clue: On Stage; Dear Jack, Dear Louise; Always Patsy Cline; Sherwood: The Adventures of Robin Hood; Barefoot in the Park; Miss Holmes; Kind of Red; The Syringa Tree; Private Lives; Our Town; and Unnecessary Farce (CRT)
Awards: Henry Awards 2017, 2023 Denver Post Ovation Award, Donald R. Seawell ANTA Fellowship, Irene Ryan Winner, True West Award
Education: BFA, Brigham Young University; MFA, National Theatre Conservatory
Social Media: @unprocessyourfood